An anti-dust chemical/mechanical revitalising hardener for concrete flooring and screeds, consisting of an aqueous solution of mineral silicates and fluosilicates, activated by specific wetting agents. It is applied in several coats of decreasing dilution in water, with a brush or mechanical “scrubber”. Specific anti-dust treatments for industrial flooring or concrete slabs that have lost their original “vitality”. It reacts with the calcium compounds, soluble and unstable, present in of concrete products, transforming them into new stable, insoluble and resistant compounds. Consequent increases in resistance to wear and tear of the order of 200% -400%, significant increases in chemical stability, resistance to freeze-thaw cycles etc.
Reactive impregnations for stabilising chemical and mechanical structures and concrete products. Hardening, anti-dust, anti abrasive and anti-corrosion treatments for concrete floorings. Adjustment of the chemical and mechanical performance of products for the industrial, rural and livestock construction (on horizontal surfaces).
Apply, preferably with a brush or with "washer dryer" machine on the basis of the following indications:
- Porous surfaces: repeated applications of a solution of water and QL Fluosil at a ratio in 1:1
- Compact surfaces: apply three coats, with decreasing dilution with water. 1a coat 1:3, 2a coat 1:2, 3a coat 1:1.
The consumption of QL Fluosil will be proportional to the absorption of the floor to be treated. Indicatively a porous surface will consume about 400 g/m², while a surface with normal porosity will consume 250-300 g/m².
Leave the product to dry between one coat and the next and then, after the last coat, wash with copious amounts of water. Protect glass and aluminium surfaces during application.
Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface".
Pedi Elixir è una crema piedi arricchita con Estratto di Gotu Kola e Olio di Citrus Nobilis, ideale per trattare la pelle secca e screpolata di piedi e talloni. La sua azione combinata di estratti di Rusco e Centella, oli di mandorle, vinaccioli, jojoba e un mix attivo di oli essenziali, assicura un rapido benessere, donando freschezza, purezza e un comfort duraturo. Pedi Elixir è un prodotto di origine 96% naturale, contenente Gotu Kola, Burro di Karitè, Olio di Jojoba e Olio di semi di vite rossa, noti per le loro proprietà emollienti, idratanti e lenitive. Dermatologicamente testato e con fragranza naturale, è perfetto per chi desidera una pelle compatta e levigata.
Dermatologicamente testato.
Fragranza naturale.
Ingredienti :
Tutti i nostri prodotti sono naturalmente privi di: parabeni, oli minerali, siliconi, SLS/SLES, PEG, PPG, coloranti, conservanti, fragranze sintetiche, alcohol.
Presenza di allergeni contenuti naturalmente negli oli essenziali naturali.
Cerchi un'idea regalo che sia non solo utile ma anche bella ed elegante? Scegli il nostro Set Cosmetico "Powder Rose" confezionato su un delizioso vassoio in legno con nastro e così composto:
- Sapone Mani in bottiglia dispenser da 300 ml
- Lozione Mani in bottiglia dispenser da 300 ml.
Profumazione: rosa cipriata
Misure: 14,50 x 7,50 x 16,20 cm.
Imballo Minimo: 6 Sets
- 300 ml Gel Doccia Al Tartufo Nero
- 300 ml Shampoo Capelli Fragili Al Tartufo Nero
- 250 ml Crema Mani E Corpo Al Tartufo Nero